Thursday, January 31, 2008


So it was only a matter of time. We knew it was coming.

We had our first inquirey into why we aren't pregnant yet. Infertility is an interesting topic and brings out different emotions in both people experiencing it as well as the people they interact with on a daily basis. It tends to make people uncomfortable. Some couples want no one to know about their infertility, they feel it is a private matter. I get that. The less people who know, the fewer stupid comments and suggestions you are subjected to. Frank and I feel that infertility is a medical problem and should not be something to be ashamed of, if one of us had diabetes or cancer we would not hide it so why hide infertility. That said, what is the right level of disclosure? My friends know, my mom knows, the rest of our families do not. Not because we do not want them to know but because we did not think Christmas was the time to bring it up. Pass the turkey, we're infertile.

Frank recieved an email last night from one of his best friends, a groomswoman in our wedding, asking what was going on in the baby making department. We have fully expected that some of our friends who do not know the specifics have figured it out by now. We are way past 20 something and have always said we wanted children. Some of these friends have experienced infertility themselves and now have children as a result of treatment. So, Frank told her about our testing and treatment thus far, all part of if you ask we will tell. A group of his friends are going for a girls weekend at the beach this week and I am sure we will be the topic of conversation. Let the stupid comments begin!

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