Thursday, February 21, 2008

Worry Wart

I don't know what I thought it would be like once I was finally pregnant. Not so much fun, I am finding. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, we worked long and hard to get here. It is just that I am finding myself in a constant state of dread. "What if it is a blighted ovum?" "What if it is an ectopic?" I run through multiple miscarriage scenarios in my head daily. Morbid, right? Hopefully I will feel better after my appointment, Monday. I realize that there is nothing that I can do about it, so I should just enjoy that fact that I am pregnant, but man is that harder said than done for my type A self.

PS: Yay for spellcheck working again. Sorry for all misspellings in my previous posts. Spelling is not my friend.


DJ Heavy D said...

I've been wondering what your next obsession will be now that you're pregnant....I'd say not to worry, but I know that's impossible. I think once you're a little further along, you may be able to make a more conscious decision to just kick back and enjoy it.

And while you might still be Type A, your days of being in control are numbered :)

Busted said...

Don't worry, the continued worrying is SO normal, especially after going through IF. Every time I reach a new milestone, it's a new set of worries. Try to focus on the fact that you are pregnant though, without thinking of all the "what if?s" (and if you figure out how to do this, let me know as I still haven't!).