Sunday, April 13, 2008


I have been tagged by Busted to list 6 unimportant things about me. I am terrible at this stuff but I will give it a shot.

1. I read magazines back to front. All the time. Not sure why or how it started.

2. I used to have a deathly fear of downward escalators. I would seriously walk to the other side of the mall to find stairs. It took years to get over it.

3. I have a great memory for birthdays. I wake up and remember it is someones birthday whom I have not spoken to in years. Phone numbers I stink at.

4. I have a pointed ear and a rounded ear.

5. I am a Christmas freak! I love it! I have been known to play Christmas music in the summer and I start baking in early November.

6. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime anyhow.

I never send out chain mail so I am not going to tag anyone, but if you are reading and feel like sharing...go for it.

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