Friday, May 30, 2008


There is always some excitement here at the office. This morning, I was sitting in my office and I could hear some commotion going on in the distance but I ignored it, because, well, there is always commotion around here for some reason. Then I got the low down from one of my teenage patients. Apparently, the security guard, AKA Robocop, for the shopping complex we are in was hitting some old (homeless) man who was outside. Our security guard went out to stop him and then Robocop started fighting with him. But wait, the drama gets better. The guards fight was broken up by two construction men who happened to be hanging around...because they are actually undercover cops. We are not sure what kind of sting was going on, but I am sure it will come out with time. I feel like I am in an episode of Cops.
Bad boys, Bad boys whatcha gonna do.....

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