Thursday, July 24, 2008

Name that tune....

My awesomely fantastic (hows that for that for bad English) husband took my not so subtle hints and got me an iPod Nano in green AND a matching green speaker base. Woo hoo! He also got me this which is a little frightening but he means well. I had an iPod Mini but it died a slow painful death, so this is a wonderful replacement. I already have a good amount of music I like on there and now I want to start putting on kids music so I can use it in the nursery as well.
I have a bunch of my favorites in my ABC-DEF-GHI from Sesame Street. I am also excited about all the artists who are putting out kids albums like the Bare Naked Ladies. But I would love to hear what you favorite kids songs are....the more the merrier.

1 comment:

DJ Heavy D said...

When Nolan was a baby (ha!) I really liked Rockabye Baby U2 :

Now Nolan really likes oldies: Elvis Presley and the Four Tops are among his favorites. Not kids' songs per se (but I'm not really into "kid songs"), but kid-friendly nonetheless.