Thursday, November 29, 2007

Moving right along....

We had our first RE apt last week and can I say I LOVE LOVE LOVE him. His plan was to follow me through a cycle to see when, how strong I ovulate and repeat Frank's SA. I got to see my ovaries on the big screen and they looked ok.

Fast forward to today when I went back to the Dr. for another U/S of my ovaries as I get ready to ovulate. Now I do not want to brag but I am usually like clockwork. I can tell you down to the hour when I will ovulate. So why on earth my body decides that this would be a good month to go haywire is beyond me. Its good to know my ovaries have a sense of humor. Anyway, I would normally be very close to ovulation on CD 13 (today) but not so much apparently. So bottom line is todays apt was sort of a waste of time. Good news is I get to go back on Sunday am for yet another encounter with the magic wand to see if this egg is any closer to popping.

The not so great news is that the month of antibiotics Frank took did not help. Dr. G was pretty clear that we need to do IUI and quite possibly IVF on the sooner rather than later schedule. So....we may actually try for IUI as soon as I am ready to ovulate. I do not have the best of hopes for this cycle but stranger things have happened. I am ready to get the show on the road. I am lucky in that my insurance will pay for IUI and all office visits. Many couples do not have that much IF coverage. Unfortunately, it will not pay for any IVF if we have to go that route. If anyone has an extra $10,000 laying around, please let me know.

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