Tuesday, April 8, 2008

11 weeks

I am 11 weeks pregnant today. It seems like I have been pregnant for a long time yet few people know and I have a LOOOOONG way to go. I had my first OB appointment yesterday which went well. Although, I really think that there needs to be an alternate pathway for infertility patients. A weaning process if you will. It is just not right to go from ultrasounds with every visit to smile from the Dr and assurances that everything is ok. We want proof lady! She was able to find the heartbeat with the doppler after the nurse failed to do so. I was going to rip it out of the nurses hand to do it myself, but I thought that may not have made the best first impression. The Dr. did say I could come in whenever I want to listen. We actually have one at my office but I need to figure out how to steal it away from the medical assistants without question. Poor Frank, though, he did not come with me yesterday and he is used to the procedure at the RE office. His first question was how much did it grow from last visit. Hmm, not sure, no ultrasound. I set up my nuchal translucency ultrasound for 4/24 so we will get another look then.

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