Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blind as a Bat

So the aforementioned glasses seem to be missing. I have NO idea what happened to them. Then only thing I can think of is that they fell out of my bag when I was getting out of my car and are now being worn by someone in West Philly. Saturday, I took a trip to the optometrist to have my eyes refracted since the last time I went was in October of 2004, otherwise known as the last time I lost my glasses. Well, not lost per say, more like left in a hotel room in Pittsburgh. My eyes have never been that bad. I only first started wearing glasses in graduate school. I guess once I started to study, it had an effect. Imagine my surprise when the Dr. put up the eye chart and had me cover my left eye and I could not read the chart AT ALL. Apparently, my eyesight has changed dramatically for the worse. Some of it may be due to pregnancy, but not all. I had been getting migraines behind my right eye lately, which was the weaker eye. I was chalking them up to pregnancy sinuses but maybe it was actually eye strain. We'll see. So if you happen to be in the heart of West Philly, and see someone walking around with black and green frames, let them keep them. I have cool new frames now. The downside....I can see the dust in my house much clearer.

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