Monday, April 28, 2008

Just When You Thought It Was Safe

We have been on a self imposed don't tell policy with the pregnancy. Our immediate families knew, our closest friends, and our doctors. No need to tell the whole world, other than the Internet of course. We decided that we would start to tell people after my nuchal translucency ultrasound which was scheduled for last Thursday.

On Wednesday, I get a group email sent from one of my friends from college announcing her pregnancy with her second child. Her due date is after mine. So, I think what the hell and I respond to the email saying that I am pregnant as well. I also include a small blurb about our infertility treatments and loss of a twin, mainly because it is part of our story and I feel an important one. One of my friends responds to my email with congratulations and says that she is glad "all that" is behind us now. I started to tear up at my desk as I read the words. Now I know that she did not mean anything by the statement and it was likely just a poor choice of words, but there is no way in hell that this is or will ever be behind us. Frank responded with, "it is behind us until we want a second child then it is all in front of us again". I am sure the sting of infertility may lesson a bit over time, but we will never be the same and not all in bad ways. I realize that if I want to tell our whole story, I need to realize that stupid comments will abound but if we are able to educate just a few people then I guess it was worth it.

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