Friday, January 11, 2008

Its been one week......

Please note title of post should be sung to the Bare Naked Ladies Song

So its been one week since the IUI. Technically, today is 8dpIUI, or 8 days post IUI. I don't feel anything different, not that that I expect to. Ask any women going through IF and she will tell you she lives her life in 2 week increments. Waiting approx two weeks to ovulate and then another 2 weeks to see if you are pregnant. Personally, I do really well the first week past ovulation. I don't really think about things and I just live my life. Well, that is a lie. I am always thinking about infertility, but I do not obsess as much as I do the second week.

So now begins the second week, or as I like to call it the week of phantom symptoms. I can convince myself during this week that I am pregnant in numerous ways. Every gas pain, trip to pee, and vein in my boobs clearly points to my knocked up state.....or a bad dinner that night before. It is during this time that hope shows up on my doorstep begging to be let in. Of course, you let her stay for too long and she causes all sorts of havoc when you have to kick her out b/c aunt flow has come to take her place. So, this month, or should I say week, I am going to try an keep busy so as not to obsess on my symptoms, or lack thereof.

Wait, I just felt a twinge in my breast.

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