Friday, February 1, 2008

A sorta kinda plan

My U/S today showed that the larger follies have grown and the smaller ones fizzled out. Not surprising. We are scheduled for IUI #3 tomorrow am unless todays bloodwork shows differently.

In prehaps more exciting news, I finally got to meet with MY RE. I am so possessive. I have not seen him since early Dec due to his vacation right in the midst of my cycle. When I asked him how he could possibly abandone me re responded "hey if you weren't going to get pregnant, I wasn't sticking around". I love that he is as sarcastic as I am. I do not do uptight and serious well. I think that this may be my last cycle of Clomid. We are in agreement that if it was going to work it should have by now, keeping in mind that we are not counting out this cycle yet (well I am in a way). So, our next steps are injectibles or IVF. He was not committed to having to do an injectible cycle prior to IVF, and said that IVF would likely be his preference. Now Here is the FANTASTIC part......He said he could likely get me free meds for IVF (~$4000) and take a couple thousand off the price!!!!!!!!!! I love that man. I think Frank loves him more.

If this cycle does not work, I would like to get one more in before we leave for Honduras. We will only be gone for 10days but I would not be able to have any monitoring done. I figure if we do not get pregnant this cycle or next, I can start BCPs for IVF while we are traveling. So, we have nothing definitive but we have a general direction. Of, course, this IUI could always work. Right.

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