Monday, June 30, 2008


We are trying to plan the menu for the baby shower. This is proving to be a little diffacult because it requires coordination between my mother and MIL, who have very different ideas about things to say the least. We are going for a BBQ type event and there will be men, women, and children there. So help me out....what am I mising?

Sun dried tomato dip
Hummas and pita
Veggie Tray Spinac
Cheese and Cracker Tray
Deviled Eggs
Melon wrapped in proscuito
Spinach Dip (maybe)
Bruschetta (maybe)

Hotdogs (Thurmans)
Spinach Salad
Caprese Salad
Pasta Salad
Potato Salad
Sandwich Tray
Bonduki (sp?) I have no idea what this is. It is some kind of pork meatball my MIL in insisting on making
Sausage and Peppers

Fruit Salad in carved watermelon.
Ice Pops for the kids

I am open to any and all suggestions.


DJ Heavy D said...

Can I tell you how hysterical it is that you're planning your own menu?

I think you've got just about everything covered. In some ways there's probably too many choices. Possibly, depending on how many kids there are, chicken fingers?

But seriously, that's a pretty long menu, so I think you're pretty good.

JackieMac said...

Wow that is alot of food - how many people are you expecting - I think you have everything covered and there will be plenty for everyone.

flyin hawaiian said...

I agree that you should consider cutting the menu at least in half. Just looks like a lot of food.